
my A is turning 23!!!

six hours to A's birthday.
am so excited and i cant wait any longer to upload this! LOL.
so, happy birthday my A.

may your life always be filled
with something
money can never possibly buy.

i love you.


arguing with an idiot is one of the most frustrating thing ever.

Spontaneous Trip!

Hah, gila kecapean 4 hari jalan mulu, skrg gue flu berat. Massive headache, dan gue lagi di minggu-minggu UTS. What a lucky fuck. Tapi lumayan, hari ini ada yang inisiatif dateng bawain DunkinDonut meses ijo & kuning (meskipun in the end DunkinDonut nya ketinggalan. what a keti but i love u anyway).

Sooo, weekend ini gue lg boring banget ngerjain ini-itu yang sebenernya itu-itu aja. And my baby (jiji) diundang ke Singapore buat promoin wahana-wahan Resort World Sentosa yang baru.
Hari itu juga, i decided to give him a little surprise and booked a flight right to Spore, also booked the hotel at Michael Resort World Sentosa which was the hotel he stayed in. Hampir beres booking sana sini, DANG! Kartu kredit sempet ke blokir. Tapi untung bisa beres cepet sebelum emak gue ngamuk.

Singkat ceritaa.. Sampailah gue di Singapore yay! (sebenernya gue ga pernah terlalu suka jalan-jalan kesini, karena IMHO ga ada apa-apanya. Paling ya shopping, and thats not my main reason to travel. I dont like shopping when it comes to traveling.)

Langsung ketemu my man at the lobby. And both of us were zooooooo excited to see each other wkwkwk! Langsung deh, ke Halloween Horror Night di Universal Studio Singapore. Menurut gue sih ga serem-serem amat, cuma mayan lah. Di sepanjang jalan banyak hantu-huntu bertebaran. Tapi hantu nya vampir dan kawan-kawannya juga, mana ganteng. All i do was: "Sir, bite me please, bite me!" sampe ditempeleng sama laki gue.
Terus masuk 3 wahana rumah hantu, yang menurut gue sih masih sereman rumah hantu pasar malem yang hantunya rela nguber.
yada yadaa anggap sajalah udah kelar cerita, fotonya ajadeh:
wkwkwk foto terakhir gue minta main ujan-ujanan.......

Selesai hari itu, move to the next day:
Pokoknya hari ini judulnya Family Day at Universal Studio (again) & S.E.A Aquarium. Terus sore menjelang malem, baru deh dinner @ Ocean Restaurant which is i was having a wonderful underwater dining!
Abis seneng-seneng ada trouble dikit, which is gue salah pesen kamar, yg gue kira 7juta ternyata $7.000 alias 70juta. Dang! Agak mau mati jual ginjal....... Zzzz

mendadak males lanjutin nih as always. udahan dulu deh. daaaaaaa



the thought of 'one day you might be bored and just go away' sometimes scare the hell out of me.

Cooking Day and We're So Egg-cited!

Had such a great day with Mister Moody, we were spending the whole day by just staying at my home, trying to make some home-made meals & desserts.
To me, no matter how much money you can give for your loved ones, the gift of time is one of the most important gift in the world which is something money can never possibly buy.

Thats why i love to stay in the kitchen with my man, messing around with new recipes (even if we dont know how our cookings will turn out :p).
Cooking is such an amazing way to spend a quality time together with a loved ones. 

So heres some pics:



Taking This Big Guy Out For An Afternoon-Walk

we love you to death, Skype.
please dont grow old too fast.


Ego Trap.


call me arrogant, but i seriously don't like any opinions about me or my life. or even about what the fuck on earth i am doing.

uh oh, especially when i dont ask for your opinion.


Part-time Lover & Full-time Bestfriend.

Completely Idiots <3

A relationship where you can act like complete idiots together is the sweetest thing ever. :)