This is exactly how you all expect men to love you in return. Ask any woman what kind of love she wants from a man, and it will sound something like this:
I want him to be humble and smart, fun and romantic, sensitive and gentle, and, above all, supportive.
I want him to look in my eyes and tell me I’m beautiful and that I complete him.
I want a man who is vulnerable enough to cry when he is hurting, who will introduce me to his mother with a smile on his face, who loves children and animals.
Who is willing to change diapers and wash dishes and do it all without me having to ask.
And if he has a nice body and lot of money it would be great, too.
Well, expecting that kind of love from a man is unrealistic.
It’s not gonna happen, no way, no how.
Because a man’s love isn’t like a woman’s love. A man’s love is different.
Much more simple, direct, and probably a little harder to come by.
His love is still love, though. It’s just different from the love that women give and in a lot of cases, want.
So if youre expecting a guy who act impossibly romantic like that, then go to Forks and find Edward Cullen. :))
and once again, Steve Harvey just made everything make sense to me. Thanks to his book. <3
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