
Cheesy post. ;p

hari ini kalo mau main anniv-annivan harusnya gue 11 bulanan, agak aneh sih post ginian secara gue ga pernah ngitung-ngitungin bulan. tapi ini pengecualian deh :$

ceritanya lagi di parkiran mall..
tiba-tiba laki gue bilang, "yang tolong ambilin minum di bagasi belakang dong."

gue sambil menghela napas dan ogah-ogahan jalan ke bagasi belakang.
*buka bagasi belakang.*

*mendadak shock.*






eh biasa aja sih ini sebenernya, cuma karena laki gue rada dol otaknya gue ga nyangka aja 


udah sih gitu doang. 


what i love about how this REALationship work are how we are able to communicate honestly about our feelings in relationship without worrying it is going into a horrible fight.
and we're capable of having thoughtful, intelligent discussions but also capable of having a shitty and idiotic conversations sampe ngakak gulang guling di lantai. and we're so okay with different opinions.

and what i love the most is:
how we don’t need some extravagant night in an expensive restaurant just to enjoy the day. or having bouquet of flowers or chocolates just to feel appreciated.

we seriously dont do things lyk that. :))))

sorry for such a cheesy post. ;0
mwackh! :p

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