

lord zeus.. am havin a hard time catching the zzz's time. :(
mm, btw, time flies so fast, its 2014 already. kayaknya resolusi 2013 belum ada yg kecapai, eh udah ganti tahun aja. :))
nggg.. bahkan gue pun udah ga inget resolusi 2013 gue apaan aja loh, giling. ;p

sekarang bikin resolusi 2014 aja deh mumpung ga ada kerjaan.
so there you go!

kelarin skripsi, pass every subjects with a good scores, dan lulus dengan IPK yang memuaskan. (After that? daftar buat S2 and let the new chapter of campus life begin again!).

2. turn my cellphone off more often.
its quite disturbing how technology have successfully ruined my social life. i want to stop my cellphone from taking over my life wkwk. i wanna take a look around a little bit more often, be more "talk now, and text later", interact face to face, etc.
semoga bisa deh ._.

3. go somewhere new more often, explorin' Indonesia bag. Timur and get more fresh air!
agak susah deh ini, bakal setengah mati dapetin ijin dari bokap gue yang rada protektif buat melanglang buana (apalagi ke tempat-tempat yang belom doi tau macem Indonesia Timur). yaaa, tapi we'll see, patut dicoba.

4. no more OVERTHINKING!
this is the roots of every fucking problems  i have. bakalan susah banget sih berhenti overthinking, tapi harus banget berhentiin kebiasaan jelek ini. overthinking is like gettin stuck in wheel that goes over, over and over again. maybe i should tell myself that it’s only my thoughts that are making me upset, so that i wud understand that all my problems is simply rooted in my own thoughts, and theres nothing to worry about. Remember: Overthinking Creates Problems That Aren’t Even There!!

5. learn a new language, belum tau mau bahasa apa sih, tapi mandarin, german atau dutch oke juga. umm, tapi sebelumnya mau lancarin bahasa inggris dulu deh biar ga ngawur asbun kayak sekarang.

udah deh segitu doang. kalo kebanyakan ntar malah lupa kaya resolusi taun-taun sebelumnya. zzz. semoga tercapai deh semuanya. priority nya sih nomer 1 & 2, harus banget kecapai awal tahun ini. amin amin.

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