24 April 2014.
It's 7 o'clock in the morning after a plate of pancake for my breakie, we arrived at the famous Island. It's Moyo Island! You know, many Hollywood celebrities such as Lady Diana, Jollie-Pitt, Mick Jagger etc had their holiday or honeymoon here. Not actually "here" but at Amanwana luxury resort still on that Island.

The island is surrounded by shooooo many beautiful corals, and the water is amazing, very clear like a crystal. Foto di atas bukan foto underwater, itu gue foto dari atas kapal, and yes, it was that clear. Karang, ikan, semuanya keliatan jelas even dari atas kapal.
Lanjut treking di Pulau Moyo, heading to the famous Moyo Waterfall. The trek is not hard at all, tapi harus tetep ati ati karena banyak taneman berduri, dan kadang jalannya agak licin.
Voila! Ini dia waterfallnya. Actually, its so much prettier kalo dilihat langsung dibanding dari foto. Kalo di foto agak-agak kayak air terjun sukabumi gaksih? :p

Done with Moyo Island, kapal langsung jalan menuju Satonda Island, Dompu. Perjalanan ga terlalu jauh, sekitar 2-3 jam. Tapi ya, 2-3 hours on boat itu ratusan kali lebih ngebosenin dibanding 2-3 hours di darat.
Satonda Island is pretty, tapi banyak karang mati, jadi agak sakit-sakit gitu kalo berpijak di pasirnya. And it was reaaaally hot!
Di Satonda, ada danau air asin. Gue pribadi sih ga terlalu suka, jadi gue ngabisin waktu just chillIin at the beach!
Oh iya, what i love the most adalah, disini ada kamar mandi outdoor dengan air tawar. OH DUDE! Lo harus tau betapa berharganya air tawar selama gue di kapal. Buat mandi air tawar di pulau Satonda, mesti bayar Rp. 10.000 per-orang.
Terus di pulau ini, ga lupa beli aqua botol buat cuci muka di kapal. Tau gak, Aqua dengan ukuran medium yang biasanya di Jakarta cuma 3.000, disana harganya 10.000-15.000. WHAT??
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