hey there, i dont know why but i really want 'you' to read this
hem i want to stop pretending and lying to my own heart
ya about three or four months ago, i kept on saying I have totally forgotten bout you
and now...................................i want you to know the truth
I never really stop loving you, I just learned about how to survive and how to live without you around
i still remember the fragnance of your favourite plain blue giordano tshirt, can you believe that? yet. i havent even deleted and removed all of our photos since youve been away. in my cellphone. in my wallet.
should i mention it all to make you know? to make you understand that im not really moving? hah?
OH MY EFFING GOD!! its been almost six months and still i can feel you around.
the worst thing is, im holding on someone who doesnt want to be held on to. ironic? yes it does.
i got tired of waiting. wondering if you were ever comin back. my faith in you is fading, baby. i know you wont return. i guess i really know it.
one thing, you saw me crying over month and months and you still didn't care about me?!
nite readers, TIPANG
P.S : i know it just makes me worse and worse, but yes, i hope i'll see your face again
back soon!
Hem been very busy so all that I can post is nothing, but stay tune. I'll be back really soon! catch ye all later! kissy.
So Touchy
10th grade
As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
11th grade
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Senior year
The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me! `I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.
copied from http://www.boardofwisdom.com/
As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
11th grade
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Senior year
The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me! `I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.
copied from http://www.boardofwisdom.com/
random things,
Friends Me Lovey
true friends dont come and go
they stay they listen
theyre there for you
during ups and downs
one thing that I really love about my bestfrinds
they could make me laugh out of loud
even somebody out thee has broke my heart hardly
one thing that I really love about school time
my school-mates!
when my friends see me cry
they dont say anything
they just make me foget what i feel
i still have a lotta best-man in my life
but yet i cant show em one by one here
the truth is, i love those guys that called friends.
i wont let anybody hurt them
and even if theyre wrong, i'll stand beside them
my remedy for all that has been hurting me
nothing works like you, guys
me love you all TIPANG
it was Saturday, 21st of November
me, Rinda, Vira and Anti were doing something really great. yea so here are the results!
so all of the photos taken by : Anti.
sorry for the low-quality photos.
me, Rinda, Vira and Anti were doing something really great. yea so here are the results!
so all of the photos taken by : Anti.
sorry for the low-quality photos.
keep shining
quick report about my week
its been quite long since my last post. it seems like theres nothing fun happen in my life lately for over a week. so i have nothing to be posted.ni tried blogging. then i got stuck. then i saved it as a draft. LOL
hem one thing. you know what? my last FREE-DAY, SATURN-DAY and SUN-DAY (re : fri, sat, sun) went really wrong because of those fuckin try-out and pre-tests. cuih cuih!
oh also! i went to Bedah Kampus last sunday after finished doing the tests. although it was hot, and i stood up in a long line just for re-enter the spot, it was probably WORTH IT!
hem, oh ya, fyi. i just broke up last friday and trust me, we wont regret it
my last, this is awesome. you guys totally belong together, hehe hope you'll get your sweetest thing back on your hand and please. dont let it go for the second time :)
full of piece,
hem one thing. you know what? my last FREE-DAY, SATURN-DAY and SUN-DAY (re : fri, sat, sun) went really wrong because of those fuckin try-out and pre-tests. cuih cuih!
oh also! i went to Bedah Kampus last sunday after finished doing the tests. although it was hot, and i stood up in a long line just for re-enter the spot, it was probably WORTH IT!
hem, oh ya, fyi. i just broke up last friday and trust me, we wont regret it
my last, this is awesome. you guys totally belong together, hehe hope you'll get your sweetest thing back on your hand and please. dont let it go for the second time :)
full of piece,
love? just sweet beginning and bitter ending
setuju gak sama judulnya? gue setuju banget loh. hem menurut gue ini topik yang sangat interesting, kenapa? karena actually udah berulang-ulang kali gue denger dan tau tentang cerita-cerita semacem&sejenis ini
awal-awal nya jadian atau suka sama orang ih emang nyenengiiin banget, but as the time goes by, ujng-ujung nya selalu aja ngeselin dan ga ngenakin. ya ga? ya kan?
kadang gue kesel juga, kenapa ya kebanyakan korban dari sakit ati dan sedih-sedihan tuh selalu cewe? apa mungkin karena cewe lebih pake perasaan daripada logika-nya? tapi tetep aja loh gue ga habis pikir. dih.
belakangan ini kayanya banyaak banget yang ngerasa sedih-sedih karena cowonya ninggalin lah, atau mantannya udah jadian lagi.
hem, perlu gue kasih contoh? Vira, sahabat gue yang gue sayaaang banget. mantannya yg sebenernya masih dia sayang udah jadian lagi beh. ada juga Hani, temen sekelas gue. mantannya yg dikira masi ngerasain hal yg sama kaya yg dia rasain ternyata udah deketin cewe lain. hem.dan masih banyak lagi deh, gue ampe lupa siapa aja.
so, tiap kali gue ngasih advice ke siapapun yang ngerasa down kaya gitu, gue selalu bilang, "AYO DONG MOVE-ON! TUNJUKIN KE COWO BRENGSEK ITU KALO LO BISA GA ADA DIA!" eeeh mereka selalu bilang, "GA BISA, TIPAAANG! LO KIRA GAMPANG APA?! LO MAH GA NGERASAIN SIH" nah loh, dia balik ngomel -_-
gini ya, gue ngomong kaya gitu bener-bener cuma mau nyadarin lo semua kalo elo itu nangisin sesuatu yg sebenernya ga pantes lo tangisin. idihh kalo gue jadi elo, mendingan gue nangisin apa kek yg lebih penting, zet. nah, kalo gue dibilang ga tau rasa-nya kaya apaaaa...................GUE TAU BANGET RASANYA KAYA GIMANA WOOOOY! bahkan mungkin yang gue rasain itu tiga kali lebih parah daripada yg elo semua rasain. ape? mau tau kenape? ah gue ogah ngebahasnya. haram.
nih ya, fakta yg harus lo tau tentang cowo brengsek yg lo puja-puja dan elo tangis-tangisin sampe sekarang.
buat elo yang ngerasa setelah putus mantan lo masih punya perasaan yg sama kaya yang lo pendem sekarang, beh. mending buang jauh-jauh eh pikiran kaya gitu daripada sakit ati sendiri.
didepan lo mungkin dia bisa aja sok sok ga bisa move on juga lah, sok sok masih sayang lah hadaaaaah, youd better stop hoping for them.
mau tau bukinya? nih. kasusnya Vira, didepan Vira, mantannya tuh masih bilang "aku syg bgt vir sm kamu blablabla" dan beberapa hari kemudian, di facebook cowo itu udah in a relationship with the other girl.si Hani juga gitu tuh, mantannya masih bilang, sayang-sayang telek ayam gitudeh, padahaaal JENG JENG JENG JENG ketauan deh dia deket sama cewe lain yg notabene adek kelasnya. banyak lah cerita-cerita sejenis kaya gini.
sumpadeh ga ada guna nya elo mikirin orang yg jelas-jelas ga ada guna nya buat dipikirin.
okedeh gni, gue buka kartu biar lo sadar. gue dulu empat tahun jadian sama orang. EMPAT? ya empat tahun. lama kan? seiring berjalannya waktu nihye, gue makin makin dan makin....hem, sayang dan gue ngerasa dia juga ngerasa hal yg sama. tapi laluuu, akhirnya he dumped me, bilangnya sih gara-gara lg ga mau pacaran lah apa bullshit. tapi ternyata dia bosen sama gue, wtf. haha
terus akhirnya putus deh dan tiap kali gue tanya dia deket sama orang atau engga, dia selalu bilang "SUMPAH YA KAGA" dan gue pun percaya-percaya aja. dan, belakangan gue tau ternyata dia deketin cewe lain yg notabene adek kelas gue. itu tuh padahal baru sekitar 3 minggu setelah gue putus haha, gilakan. gue sempet mikir, anjrit, 4 tahun itu ga lo anggep apa-apa sampe lo secepet itu dapet pengganti gue?! padahal semua yg lo mau udah gue kasih dan gue turutin! hahaha goblok. sama lah gue ngelakuin kaya apa yg lo semua lakuin. abis itu nangis-nangis lah, ngecekin fb, twitter, pm dll nya lah haha. padahal sebelum tau dia deket ama orang, tiap liat pm/tweet/status nya, gue selalu ngerasa itutuh buat gue. padahal ternyata? sampah.
terus mulai deh gue melewati masa masa yg gue anggap kelam bgt. kayanya mau senyum aja susah. i was just faking a smile deh pokoknya. terus gue ngerasa ga akan bisa lupa, ga akan bisa move on. crying on my bed tiap hari sebelum tidur ampe guling gua penuh ingus. terus gue sempet bilang ke temen gue, namanya awi. "wi gue ga bakalan lupa ini taruhan deh sama gue. satu satunya cara yang bisa bikin gue lupa kayanya cuma amnesia deh. kayanya gua mesti jedukin pala gua ke aspal deeeeeh" si awi nya ngakak ngakak aje. gila, percaya ga lo, gue selebay itu? untung ga gue lakuin ya Allah kalo engga gue pasti mati sia-sia. haha terus yaaaa gue liat tweet nya yg katanya seneng bgt kalo lagi sama gebetan baru nya itu. haha drop sih waktu itu. hem
terus abis itu gue ngapain? spending all my life stuck in yesterday? hell no! ya enggaklah. idup gue terlalu berarti buat terus nginget-nginget gituan. oke kejadian itu forgiven lah, but not forgotten. itu gue anggep sebagai lesson of life.gue delete semua yg gue anggep ga guna tuh. msn, bbm dan lain lainnya gue block,delete dan unfollow. so? look at me now. i've been there on your position but i moved on.
yayaya, lo pasti mau bilang, susah mau move on. ga bisa berhenti mikirin mantan lo lah. ga bisa lupain lah. eh bego, melek! (maaf ya gue kasar, abis gimana dong biar lo sadar) hem idup lo masih panjang! cowo juga gak cuma satu. lo ga akan bisa lupa kalolo terus-terusan mikir, "gue ga bisa move-on dan ga bisa lupaaa" wah wah. dan lo juga ga akan bisa kalo lo terus-terusan ngecek-ngecek semua yg berhubungan tentng tu orang. apalagi dengerin lagu mellow mulu. (percaya ga, gue delete semua lagu yg mellow-mellow di song list gue waktu itu) elo bisa kalo lo niat dan bener-bener mau! buktinya gue! and see, gue bisa!
so maybe thats all for today. if you want to ask or you need an advice, you can just go and come to me if you want to. or you can also send me an email on tiarapangestika@gmail.com or pangtipang@hotmail.com
idih najis gua uda kayak konsultan cinta HAHAHA
be brave, girls. you guys are just too worth it. you deserve more than this.
(maaf banget kalo postingan gue kali ini terkesan ngejelek-jelekin cowo. ini cuma berbagi pengalaman kok judulnya. dan perlu diinget! ga semua cowo kaya gini, ok?)
with full of joy, TIPANG
awal-awal nya jadian atau suka sama orang ih emang nyenengiiin banget, but as the time goes by, ujng-ujung nya selalu aja ngeselin dan ga ngenakin. ya ga? ya kan?
kadang gue kesel juga, kenapa ya kebanyakan korban dari sakit ati dan sedih-sedihan tuh selalu cewe? apa mungkin karena cewe lebih pake perasaan daripada logika-nya? tapi tetep aja loh gue ga habis pikir. dih.
belakangan ini kayanya banyaak banget yang ngerasa sedih-sedih karena cowonya ninggalin lah, atau mantannya udah jadian lagi.
hem, perlu gue kasih contoh? Vira, sahabat gue yang gue sayaaang banget. mantannya yg sebenernya masih dia sayang udah jadian lagi beh. ada juga Hani, temen sekelas gue. mantannya yg dikira masi ngerasain hal yg sama kaya yg dia rasain ternyata udah deketin cewe lain. hem.dan masih banyak lagi deh, gue ampe lupa siapa aja.
so, tiap kali gue ngasih advice ke siapapun yang ngerasa down kaya gitu, gue selalu bilang, "AYO DONG MOVE-ON! TUNJUKIN KE COWO BRENGSEK ITU KALO LO BISA GA ADA DIA!" eeeh mereka selalu bilang, "GA BISA, TIPAAANG! LO KIRA GAMPANG APA?! LO MAH GA NGERASAIN SIH" nah loh, dia balik ngomel -_-
gini ya, gue ngomong kaya gitu bener-bener cuma mau nyadarin lo semua kalo elo itu nangisin sesuatu yg sebenernya ga pantes lo tangisin. idihh kalo gue jadi elo, mendingan gue nangisin apa kek yg lebih penting, zet. nah, kalo gue dibilang ga tau rasa-nya kaya apaaaa...................GUE TAU BANGET RASANYA KAYA GIMANA WOOOOY! bahkan mungkin yang gue rasain itu tiga kali lebih parah daripada yg elo semua rasain. ape? mau tau kenape? ah gue ogah ngebahasnya. haram.
nih ya, fakta yg harus lo tau tentang cowo brengsek yg lo puja-puja dan elo tangis-tangisin sampe sekarang.
buat elo yang ngerasa setelah putus mantan lo masih punya perasaan yg sama kaya yang lo pendem sekarang, beh. mending buang jauh-jauh eh pikiran kaya gitu daripada sakit ati sendiri.
didepan lo mungkin dia bisa aja sok sok ga bisa move on juga lah, sok sok masih sayang lah hadaaaaah, youd better stop hoping for them.
mau tau bukinya? nih. kasusnya Vira, didepan Vira, mantannya tuh masih bilang "aku syg bgt vir sm kamu blablabla" dan beberapa hari kemudian, di facebook cowo itu udah in a relationship with the other girl.si Hani juga gitu tuh, mantannya masih bilang, sayang-sayang telek ayam gitudeh, padahaaal JENG JENG JENG JENG ketauan deh dia deket sama cewe lain yg notabene adek kelasnya. banyak lah cerita-cerita sejenis kaya gini.
sumpadeh ga ada guna nya elo mikirin orang yg jelas-jelas ga ada guna nya buat dipikirin.
okedeh gni, gue buka kartu biar lo sadar. gue dulu empat tahun jadian sama orang. EMPAT? ya empat tahun. lama kan? seiring berjalannya waktu nihye, gue makin makin dan makin....hem, sayang dan gue ngerasa dia juga ngerasa hal yg sama. tapi laluuu, akhirnya he dumped me, bilangnya sih gara-gara lg ga mau pacaran lah apa bullshit. tapi ternyata dia bosen sama gue, wtf. haha
terus akhirnya putus deh dan tiap kali gue tanya dia deket sama orang atau engga, dia selalu bilang "SUMPAH YA KAGA" dan gue pun percaya-percaya aja. dan, belakangan gue tau ternyata dia deketin cewe lain yg notabene adek kelas gue. itu tuh padahal baru sekitar 3 minggu setelah gue putus haha, gilakan. gue sempet mikir, anjrit, 4 tahun itu ga lo anggep apa-apa sampe lo secepet itu dapet pengganti gue?! padahal semua yg lo mau udah gue kasih dan gue turutin! hahaha goblok. sama lah gue ngelakuin kaya apa yg lo semua lakuin. abis itu nangis-nangis lah, ngecekin fb, twitter, pm dll nya lah haha. padahal sebelum tau dia deket ama orang, tiap liat pm/tweet/status nya, gue selalu ngerasa itutuh buat gue. padahal ternyata? sampah.
terus mulai deh gue melewati masa masa yg gue anggap kelam bgt. kayanya mau senyum aja susah. i was just faking a smile deh pokoknya. terus gue ngerasa ga akan bisa lupa, ga akan bisa move on. crying on my bed tiap hari sebelum tidur ampe guling gua penuh ingus. terus gue sempet bilang ke temen gue, namanya awi. "wi gue ga bakalan lupa ini taruhan deh sama gue. satu satunya cara yang bisa bikin gue lupa kayanya cuma amnesia deh. kayanya gua mesti jedukin pala gua ke aspal deeeeeh" si awi nya ngakak ngakak aje. gila, percaya ga lo, gue selebay itu? untung ga gue lakuin ya Allah kalo engga gue pasti mati sia-sia. haha terus yaaaa gue liat tweet nya yg katanya seneng bgt kalo lagi sama gebetan baru nya itu. haha drop sih waktu itu. hem
terus abis itu gue ngapain? spending all my life stuck in yesterday? hell no! ya enggaklah. idup gue terlalu berarti buat terus nginget-nginget gituan. oke kejadian itu forgiven lah, but not forgotten. itu gue anggep sebagai lesson of life.gue delete semua yg gue anggep ga guna tuh. msn, bbm dan lain lainnya gue block,delete dan unfollow. so? look at me now. i've been there on your position but i moved on.
yayaya, lo pasti mau bilang, susah mau move on. ga bisa berhenti mikirin mantan lo lah. ga bisa lupain lah. eh bego, melek! (maaf ya gue kasar, abis gimana dong biar lo sadar) hem idup lo masih panjang! cowo juga gak cuma satu. lo ga akan bisa lupa kalolo terus-terusan mikir, "gue ga bisa move-on dan ga bisa lupaaa" wah wah. dan lo juga ga akan bisa kalo lo terus-terusan ngecek-ngecek semua yg berhubungan tentng tu orang. apalagi dengerin lagu mellow mulu. (percaya ga, gue delete semua lagu yg mellow-mellow di song list gue waktu itu) elo bisa kalo lo niat dan bener-bener mau! buktinya gue! and see, gue bisa!
so maybe thats all for today. if you want to ask or you need an advice, you can just go and come to me if you want to. or you can also send me an email on tiarapangestika@gmail.com or pangtipang@hotmail.com
idih najis gua uda kayak konsultan cinta HAHAHA
be brave, girls. you guys are just too worth it. you deserve more than this.
(maaf banget kalo postingan gue kali ini terkesan ngejelek-jelekin cowo. ini cuma berbagi pengalaman kok judulnya. dan perlu diinget! ga semua cowo kaya gini, ok?)
with full of joy, TIPANG
i can not sleep because...........
i can not sleep.
theres just a thing or yea two i'd like to share.
ADA YANG DANGDUTAN DI KAMPUNG BELAKANG BLOK GUEEEE masyaallah, pengen gua geplak pake sol sepatu emak gua tau gak lu pada! "mas boleh kocok, boleh aduk tapi jangan cintaku di aduk-aduk...........goyang lagi, massss" subhanallah, ampe gua murka, bukan cinta lu yg gua udek-udek! muke lu ekalian sini gua ubek-ubek!! ihhhhhhhhhhhhh
gua kepikiran sesuatu deh aduaduaduuuuuh. nih ya gue tiba-tiba baca tweet seseorang kalo UAN empat bulan lagi. HAH? EMPAT BULAN?! oke the time is ticking so fast! oh my God! dan sdikitpun gue ga siap. yg lebih menyayat nyayat hati (ini apadah si goblok) simak ui apa kabar nya ini gue coooooy -___-"
gua mau membangkitkan semangat belajar kenapa susah amatzz z z.
oh iya, for your information, gue kemaren dipanggil Pak Oji, yg notabene wali kelas gue yg sangat peduli sama nasib anak kelas 3. dan dia bilang, "ini sudah berulang kali loh kamu melanggar peraturan! bapak itu ditegur sama pimpinan. banyak laporan dari guru-guru lain, kamu itu bulaak balik WC tiap pelajaran, sekalinya ke WC setengah jam. katanya mau masuk ke ui tapi begitu. sekali lagi begini bapak tidak bantu ya kamu buat ke perguruan negri, biarkan saja kalo tidak mau diurus"
dan yg paling parah dong, Pak Oji ngadu ke emak babeh gua. hem jadilah gua siap dikibar di tiang bendera depan rumah ama enyak babeh gua. astagfirulloooooh. gua uda deal perjanjian nih ama bokap nyokap gue, besok deh gua jabarin Undang Undang Dasar Anaknya Edi dan Titi. lagi ga mood ngetik ngetik.
udah ah mau bubuuu HAHAHA
bye reader, TIPANG
i can not sleep.
theres just a thing or yea two i'd like to share.
ADA YANG DANGDUTAN DI KAMPUNG BELAKANG BLOK GUEEEE masyaallah, pengen gua geplak pake sol sepatu emak gua tau gak lu pada! "mas boleh kocok, boleh aduk tapi jangan cintaku di aduk-aduk...........goyang lagi, massss" subhanallah, ampe gua murka, bukan cinta lu yg gua udek-udek! muke lu ekalian sini gua ubek-ubek!! ihhhhhhhhhhhhh
gua kepikiran sesuatu deh aduaduaduuuuuh. nih ya gue tiba-tiba baca tweet seseorang kalo UAN empat bulan lagi. HAH? EMPAT BULAN?! oke the time is ticking so fast! oh my God! dan sdikitpun gue ga siap. yg lebih menyayat nyayat hati (ini apadah si goblok) simak ui apa kabar nya ini gue coooooy -___-"
gua mau membangkitkan semangat belajar kenapa susah amatzz z z.
oh iya, for your information, gue kemaren dipanggil Pak Oji, yg notabene wali kelas gue yg sangat peduli sama nasib anak kelas 3. dan dia bilang, "ini sudah berulang kali loh kamu melanggar peraturan! bapak itu ditegur sama pimpinan. banyak laporan dari guru-guru lain, kamu itu bulaak balik WC tiap pelajaran, sekalinya ke WC setengah jam. katanya mau masuk ke ui tapi begitu. sekali lagi begini bapak tidak bantu ya kamu buat ke perguruan negri, biarkan saja kalo tidak mau diurus"
dan yg paling parah dong, Pak Oji ngadu ke emak babeh gua. hem jadilah gua siap dikibar di tiang bendera depan rumah ama enyak babeh gua. astagfirulloooooh. gua uda deal perjanjian nih ama bokap nyokap gue, besok deh gua jabarin Undang Undang Dasar Anaknya Edi dan Titi. lagi ga mood ngetik ngetik.
udah ah mau bubuuu HAHAHA
bye reader, TIPANG
Time To Grow
last night i tried but i couldn't sleep
thoughts of you were in my head
i was lonely and i needed you next to me
life is harder since you left
i never meant to do you wrong
and now all is said and done
i hope you wont be gone too long
where do i go
what do i do
i cant deny
i still feel something
i still feel something
and girl i wish, you can say you feel the same
youve broken the bond
i gotta move on
but how do i end this lonely feeling?
youve gone,
im here, alone
i guess this time to grow
i try to speak but my words never catch the air
like you never knew i was there
take me back to the days
when you really care
when you really care
can we mke love reappear
i cant go on, the roads too long
and now all is said and done
i cant go on if my heart's still from where im coming from
crying time is over
i know i cant control her feelings
if she won't return
then i guess i'll be a man and move on
make love better than what i did before
Time To Grow
Lemar ft. Justin
mungkin gue terlalu lebay atau lagu nya terlalu touchy
tapi tiap lagu ini keputer di playlist gue sebelum tidur,
i cant help my self for not crying
haha padahal gue ga ngrasa punya kenangan apa-apa deh ama ini lagu
yayaya whatever.
so this is it!
random things,
im gonna leave my school in less than a year
yea, i hate to write this cheesy post. but something keep triping on my head and looks like i really need to share and write something on my blog.
im so obsessed and i really wanna be a part of Universitas Indonesia (law faculty). but the problem is, i wasnt confident enough to beat those thousands of other participant. facing the truth, oh yeah, im stupid.
past a couple week ago, i went to stekpi for "try out simak ui" (fyi simak ui is the problems of ordinary matter in the test conducted in ui) and i just realized that im justNO-THING compared with other contestants.
and theeen, when i got home,i cried on my mom's shoulder. i told her, how i was depressed and i wasnt okay at all. i knew my mom would support me. thats what the mothers do to keep their childrens mood nd spirit up, right? well, back to the main topic!
phew!i have these dream that i really want to achieve, and when i know that i can achieve it, i have and i would achieve it no matter what. but the problem is, im not that confident enough to suggest on my own head that i can achieve it!!
im so sad and im crying now hahaha im such a fool! i havent ready yet to face the truth that im going to lose and let my friends go to reach out their future. im so selfish, i know.
three years ago, i used to be happy and full of spirit to go to the school. why? to study? oh of course not. i was happy just for catching up and gossiping with my pals. and yea we skipped a lotta classes.
my girls are my special person that could lift my mood up when im down. they are always be on my side. those girls that i'd always wanna see, wanna meet, wanna cry with, wanna laugh, hang out with and wanna do everything with. yes they are.
its really hard for letting you all go to reach your dreams out.but this is it, i have to face it that we'll be on the different tracks, and yea our life must go on, with orwithout having each other as closer as today.
i will be here for you all guys. i'll be here to cheer and support you no matter what. no matter how far the distance will divide us.
hate to say this but i know there will be a word, goodbye. but hell no! we're still be a friends, no matter what. no matter even you'll get your new pal or even the best one.
i love you all and theres no words can describe.
P.S : the harder you try, the deeper shit you fall into
nite, TIPANG
im so obsessed and i really wanna be a part of Universitas Indonesia (law faculty). but the problem is, i wasnt confident enough to beat those thousands of other participant. facing the truth, oh yeah, im stupid.
past a couple week ago, i went to stekpi for "try out simak ui" (fyi simak ui is the problems of ordinary matter in the test conducted in ui) and i just realized that im just
and theeen, when i got home,i cried on my mom's shoulder. i told her, how i was depressed and i wasnt okay at all. i knew my mom would support me. thats what the mothers do to keep their childrens mood nd spirit up, right? well, back to the main topic!
phew!i have these dream that i really want to achieve, and when i know that i can achieve it, i have and i would achieve it no matter what. but the problem is, im not that confident enough to suggest on my own head that i can achieve it!!
im so sad and im crying now hahaha im such a fool! i havent ready yet to face the truth that im going to lose and let my friends go to reach out their future. im so selfish, i know.
three years ago, i used to be happy and full of spirit to go to the school. why? to study? oh of course not. i was happy just for catching up and gossiping with my pals. and yea we skipped a lotta classes.
my girls are my special person that could lift my mood up when im down. they are always be on my side. those girls that i'd always wanna see, wanna meet, wanna cry with, wanna laugh, hang out with and wanna do everything with. yes they are.
its really hard for letting you all go to reach your dreams out.but this is it, i have to face it that we'll be on the different tracks, and yea our life must go on, with or
i will be here for you all guys. i'll be here to cheer and support you no matter what. no matter how far the distance will divide us.
hate to say this but i know there will be a word, goodbye. but hell no! we're still be a friends, no matter what. no matter even you'll get your new pal or even the best one.
i love you all and theres no words can describe.
P.S : the harder you try, the deeper shit you fall into
nite, TIPANG
random things that i want to have right now!
Ir. Ediyanto

Daddy, I love you.
Daddy, I know you'll never know how much I love you.
Cause I never show it.
But deep down inside.
I love you like everything.
gue baru nyadar, gue banyak ngelakuin kesalahan fatal ke bokap gue. fatal, fatal. bokap gue emang sempet jadi orang yang paling gue benci dan gue hindarin. hem parah ya. bahkan gue sempet berdoa biar bokap gue mati aja :(
Tuhaaaaaan gue minta maaf gue durhaka gue jahat. mungkin ada kali ya 2 atau 3bulan gue ga pernah nyapa bokap gue.
pft, semua itu gue lakuin bukan karena alesan yg ga jelas. bokap gue-pun ngelakuin hal yg sangat fatal dan ga pernah bisa gue terima apapun alesannya. tapi gue sekarang sadar, se-fatal apapun salah bokap gue, ga seharusnya gue kaya gitu. dia tetep bokap gue.
sekarang semua nya berubah.
dari dua dua tahun yg lalu, bokap gue kembali jadi cowo yang paling gue sayang dan paling gue banggain di dunia. hahaha ini ga lebay wooooooooooooooy beneran haha. oke sekian post ga jelas dan lebay gue hari ini.
P.S : dear Daddy thanks for always answering a hundreds or millions "how" that came out from my mouth. thanks for always being around whenever and whatever it takes. thanks for always supporting and caring of me no matter what. and yea, you still my hero, as always.
sweet regards, your daughter,
Just For Fun
actually, i have nothing to say, there's nothing 'fun' happen in my life lately. so im just going to post something that has no-point (pointless) -------ENJOY!
rules :
1. put your iTunes, windows mesia player, etc. on shuffle
2. for each question, press the next button to get you answer
3. you must write the song name down, no matter how silly it sounds
4. Have Fun!
# The City Is At War - Cobra Starship hahahahahahahahahhaha
# Dangerous and Sweet - Lenka yes i am nyakakkakak
# Damn You Look Good and Im Drunk (scandalous) - Cobra Starship
# Eh Eh (theres nothing else i can say) - Lady Gaga
# LISZTOMANIA - phoenix (apadah)
# Big Girls Don't Cry - Fergie HAHAHAHAHA PAS ABIS
# Fuck You - Lily Allen HAHAHAHA jahat lu ah
# Bring Me Down - Lenka aihhhhhh parah!
# The Day You Went Away - M2M hem................
# Smile - Lily Allen gaseru nih
# If I Were A Boy - Beyonce alah alah
# LOVE DRUNK - Boys Like Girls mabuk cintaaa?
# I Dont Love You - My Chemical Romance HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ko tolol sih
# Shut Up And Let Me Go - The Ting Tings HUAHAUHAUHAUHUAH ngakak!
# I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry HAAAAAAAAAAA?
# Someone Like You - Boys Like Girls pffffft
# Cheated Hearts - Yeah Yeah Yeahs EH SUMPAH KAGA YAAA
# Way Back Into Love - Drew Barrymore ft. Hugh Grant OH MY......................
# When Did Your Heart Go Missing - Rooney
rules :
1. put your iTunes, windows mesia player, etc. on shuffle
2. for each question, press the next button to get you answer
3. you must write the song name down, no matter how silly it sounds
4. Have Fun!
# The City Is At War - Cobra Starship hahahahahahahahahhaha
# Dangerous and Sweet - Lenka yes i am nyakakkakak
# Damn You Look Good and Im Drunk (scandalous) - Cobra Starship
# Eh Eh (theres nothing else i can say) - Lady Gaga
# LISZTOMANIA - phoenix (apadah)
# Big Girls Don't Cry - Fergie HAHAHAHAHA PAS ABIS
# Fuck You - Lily Allen HAHAHAHA jahat lu ah
# Bring Me Down - Lenka aihhhhhh parah!
# The Day You Went Away - M2M hem................
# Smile - Lily Allen gaseru nih
# If I Were A Boy - Beyonce alah alah
# LOVE DRUNK - Boys Like Girls mabuk cintaaa?
# I Dont Love You - My Chemical Romance HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ko tolol sih
# Shut Up And Let Me Go - The Ting Tings HUAHAUHAUHAUHUAH ngakak!
# I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry HAAAAAAAAAAA?
# Someone Like You - Boys Like Girls pffffft
# Cheated Hearts - Yeah Yeah Yeahs EH SUMPAH KAGA YAAA
# Way Back Into Love - Drew Barrymore ft. Hugh Grant OH MY......................
# When Did Your Heart Go Missing - Rooney
random things
to my lil tiny girl, Hani
my lil tiny girl, Hani is dealing with her problem right now.
looks like she needs some help or else.
well for her and all the broken-hearted girl in world,
don't waste your time on someone
who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
keep on moving, girl,
I'm here to encourage and support you no matter what!

P.S : it's amazing how someone can break your heart
but you still love them with all the little pieces :")
lotta kisses, TIPANG
looks like she needs some help or else.
well for her and all the broken-hearted girl in world,
don't waste your time on someone
who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
keep on moving, girl,
I'm here to encourage and support you no matter what!

P.S : it's amazing how someone can break your heart
but you still love them with all the little pieces :")
lotta kisses, TIPANG
hoping for Law Faculty - Universitas Indonesia
God whole plans and why it does to you
hei fellas!
my life has been very tiring this whole weeks.
beh idup gue berasa (lebih) berat daripada biasanya. (oke. gue lebay wkwk)
hem i wanna ask you guys about something,
lo pernah ga ngerasa jadi manusia paling apes
atau lift your hands and cry
then you'll say "how could this happen to me?!"
or may even, "kenapa Tuhan ngasih cobaan seberat ini buat gue? kenapa harus gue?!"
pernah kan? haha ah lebe lu pada ah wkwk
tapi bener kaaaaan?
hem apa?
gue tau darimana?
yaaaaaaaaa sebenernya sih ga lain dan ga bukan karena gue juga sering ngerasa kaya gitu HAHA
yeah guys, Ive been there too, who doesnt? I guess noone.
hei I know lots of stories about someone else's bad life.
people always think that their life is the worst life of all the people in the world.
but today. i just realized.
something that may forgotten.
listen to me. im just getting started.
okay honestly, gue tau gimana elo mungkin ngerasain sial yang ga berpenghabisan, ngerasa udah ga sanggup lagi dikasih cobaan yang menurut lo berat banget, ngerasa mendingan mati aja daripada mesti kaya gini, atau apalah!
yaelah. padahal kalo dipikir-pikir, paling apaan sih masalah kita?
patah hati?
putus cinta?
kehilangan sesuatu?
ngerasa sendiri?
ya. i know those things may hurt you so bad, I know how it hurts because Ive been there on your position (or even worse)
mungkin apa yg lo alamin itu ga ada apa-apanya dibandingin sama yg banyak dialamin sama orang diluar sana.
coba liat orang yg (maaf) cacat, yg ga punya orang tua atau malah ga pernah sempet ngerasain punya orang tua, yg ga punya tempat tinggal atau bahkan uang sepeserpun.
open up your eyes, guys! think about em!
as always, orang selalu ngeliat ke atas, which means selalu iri dan bahkan ga terima atas apa yg orang lain dapetin. and they think, "kenapa Tuhan ga adil and bla bla bla"
hellooooooo~ yg namanya adil itu ga selalu berarti harus sama rata kan?
apa yg baik menurut lo, belum tentu good enough menurut-Nya. get it?
guys, come on, start from today. kenapa ga kita liat ke bawah sekali-kali. terus pikir, how lucky we are! (call me naive for talking like this)
some of great quotation :
intan tidak dapat didapat tanpa gesekan
emas tidak dapat dimurnikan tanpa api
sesuatu yg lebih baik tidak dapat didapatkan tanpa rintangan dan tantangan
(oke. gue mungkin sok bijak ya haha. tapi coba pikir, bener ga g gue bilang?)
someday you'll understand about God's whole plans and why it does to you.
now, thank God for everything that He has given to you.
"everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. but you cant have a rainbow, without a little rain" someone ever said that :')
my life has been very tiring this whole weeks.
beh idup gue berasa (lebih) berat daripada biasanya. (oke. gue lebay wkwk)
hem i wanna ask you guys about something,
lo pernah ga ngerasa jadi manusia paling apes
atau lift your hands and cry
then you'll say "how could this happen to me?!"
or may even, "kenapa Tuhan ngasih cobaan seberat ini buat gue? kenapa harus gue?!"
pernah kan? haha ah lebe lu pada ah wkwk
tapi bener kaaaaan?
hem apa?
gue tau darimana?
yaaaaaaaaa sebenernya sih ga lain dan ga bukan karena gue juga sering ngerasa kaya gitu HAHA
yeah guys, Ive been there too, who doesnt? I guess noone.
hei I know lots of stories about someone else's bad life.
people always think that their life is the worst life of all the people in the world.
but today. i just realized.
something that may forgotten.
listen to me. im just getting started.
okay honestly, gue tau gimana elo mungkin ngerasain sial yang ga berpenghabisan, ngerasa udah ga sanggup lagi dikasih cobaan yang menurut lo berat banget, ngerasa mendingan mati aja daripada mesti kaya gini, atau apalah!
yaelah. padahal kalo dipikir-pikir, paling apaan sih masalah kita?
patah hati?
putus cinta?
kehilangan sesuatu?
ngerasa sendiri?
ya. i know those things may hurt you so bad, I know how it hurts because Ive been there on your position (or even worse)
mungkin apa yg lo alamin itu ga ada apa-apanya dibandingin sama yg banyak dialamin sama orang diluar sana.
coba liat orang yg (maaf) cacat, yg ga punya orang tua atau malah ga pernah sempet ngerasain punya orang tua, yg ga punya tempat tinggal atau bahkan uang sepeserpun.
open up your eyes, guys! think about em!
as always, orang selalu ngeliat ke atas, which means selalu iri dan bahkan ga terima atas apa yg orang lain dapetin. and they think, "kenapa Tuhan ga adil and bla bla bla"
hellooooooo~ yg namanya adil itu ga selalu berarti harus sama rata kan?
apa yg baik menurut lo, belum tentu good enough menurut-Nya. get it?
guys, come on, start from today. kenapa ga kita liat ke bawah sekali-kali. terus pikir, how lucky we are! (call me naive for talking like this)
some of great quotation :
intan tidak dapat didapat tanpa gesekan
emas tidak dapat dimurnikan tanpa api
sesuatu yg lebih baik tidak dapat didapatkan tanpa rintangan dan tantangan
(oke. gue mungkin sok bijak ya haha. tapi coba pikir, bener ga g gue bilang?)
someday you'll understand about God's whole plans and why it does to you.
now, thank God for everything that He has given to you.
"everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. but you cant have a rainbow, without a little rain" someone ever said that :')
random things,
My Bash!

okay well, last friday I celebrated my bash! I seriously had so much FUN!
take a look at the photos. (sorry if those shits makes your comp lagging.) ENJOY!
random things
what else should i update?
Hi, people! Im hoping there's one of you who waits for the new post wihi :p
okay lets get started.
what do you want me to share? what? my day?
AAARGH! listen. my mid-test feels like hell. seriously.
Oh My........ hem most subjects frustate me, Im going crazy, really.
okay well, Im quite busy nowadays, I've got a lotta worksheets and homework -_-" dammit!
hem what else should I update? haha i still can't describe every lil thing by this blog (yeaa Im such an idiot! haha or i didn't have any skill of blogging......blah!)
oh! i just watched "surrogates" today, hem pretty cool! i like that!
maybe that's all hahaha i gotta go :p
bye all, goodnight!
okay lets get started.
what do you want me to share? what? my day?
AAARGH! listen. my mid-test feels like hell. seriously.
Oh My........ hem most subjects frustate me, Im going crazy, really.
okay well, Im quite busy nowadays, I've got a lotta worksheets and homework -_-" dammit!
hem what else should I update? haha i still can't describe every lil thing by this blog (yeaa Im such an idiot! haha or i didn't have any skill of blogging......blah!)
oh! i just watched "surrogates" today, hem pretty cool! i like that!
maybe that's all hahaha i gotta go :p
bye all, goodnight!
hearts, TIPANG
my first post
hem apa yang biasa orang tulis pada bagian awal dari blog-nya.................
wait wait.... Im thinking about it now
first, im still on my mid-test program (totally NOT cool,huh?) Im a lil bit unsure about the results, and i dont care about that at all :p
next topic! after all of those horrible exams, me and my girls went to a FORTUNE TELLER, pretty cool, right? her name is Momma Alien, she predicted my future. wanna hear about that?
she said I could be a great notaries! (WOW) and she told me that Im such a lucky girl (well Im not)
yes those are the good news........ but she also told me about some bad-news. well guys, this part are too bad to be submitted. Im so sorry for not telling you guys about this. but someday I will, promise :)
maybe I should stop blogging by now,
there are two horrible tests waiting for me -__-"
BLAH! (sorry if my post was pretty bad for you (oh please maklum,ini post pertama gueeee) hem this one is pointless I know)
keep dreaming, Tipang!
wait wait.... Im thinking about it now
first, im still on my mid-test program (totally NOT cool,huh?) Im a lil bit unsure about the results, and i dont care about that at all :p
next topic! after all of those horrible exams, me and my girls went to a FORTUNE TELLER, pretty cool, right? her name is Momma Alien, she predicted my future. wanna hear about that?
she said I could be a great notaries! (WOW) and she told me that Im such a lucky girl (well Im not)
yes those are the good news........ but she also told me about some bad-news. well guys, this part are too bad to be submitted. Im so sorry for not telling you guys about this. but someday I will, promise :)
maybe I should stop blogging by now,
there are two horrible tests waiting for me -__-"
BLAH! (sorry if my post was pretty bad for you (oh please maklum,ini post pertama gueeee) hem this one is pointless I know)
keep dreaming, Tipang!
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