

Hello Readers! Can you guys believe where the hell am I now? Yup! I'm at Omni Int. Hospital, hhh this is my third times here with the same reason (Sorry for not mentioning it, I hope you guys will understand :-) )
Hh, every part of my body are aching. And everybody can't seem to understand. GAH!! Yesterday at home, when I ate, I threw up. I ate, I threw up! Agh!!
So now, here I am! I'm here -_-
But at least thank God, my boyfie, my beloved G, stays here right beside me. And he is the sweetest remedy. I always want to be hugged by him :-)
also thank God for giving such a great friends :-)

Whoooh! Oke guys I have to take a lil bed rest now, I'll continue the story soon!
Send me a thousand of luck okay? So I might be okay so soon.
happy reading,
Xoxo, Tipang