

"At some point you have to realize that he doesn’t care, and maybe you’re missing out on someone who does."

yes, im too busy thinking of someone that doesnt even think of me,
til i missed out someone who really cares about me,

from the girl you failed to keep.

 i should have thanked God a real much, because finally i opened my eyes, and He showed me the truth by His magical way.
i wouldnt believe you would do this to me. ya, to me! the girl thats been on your side faithfully for almost 3 years! and you hurt me like you never loved me.

im tired of being cheated on, for hearing all those lies, for being dumped, for trying to fix everything myself while all you could do is having fun with your new life.
i just dont get it, how could a 1000 days together can easily replaced by something that you have just met.
dont you care about my feelings? dont you??

i fully understand that i cant ever be the girl you want to be with. the one who can go out from midnight till the sun come out just to have your so called fun, get drunk, dance til you lose yourself. i cant.
i know im lame, im boring and i aint cool,
but it doesnt mean that you can do this to me. nobody deserves to be cheated on, to be fooled.
i stayed home, couldnt sleep til you got home, and youre there, having fun, got drunk, chilling and having fun with a girl that i never knew before. which in the end i finally found out that you liked her.

hh so this is the end of the story, and hope it will also be a new beginning of another story with another cast.
i decided to cut off every connection with you. i wont see you anymore, and you cant see me either.
im not gonna think about you anymore, and im not gonna give a damn about you anymore
lets just be strangers like we havent known each other beafore.
ive been trying to forgive you but it turns out that i cant. You're just dissapointing. 
so forgive me for being so unforgiving.

sometimes i miss you. a lot. but then i think about what a jerk you are, and what youve done to me, and the feeling goes away 
and at some point, i have to forget those people that have forgotten me. :)
so good luck and take care.

from the girl you failed to keep,


The one that gets hurt isn't you. It's me.

I wish i never liked you.
I wish i didnt waste all those times talking to you or thinking about you.
I wish i didnt worry or cared about all the times you ignored me.
I wish i never got excited everytime you made me feel special.
I wish i never believed every word you said.
I wish i never got my hopes high for you.
And i wish i never kept trying and trying, knowing i would just go through the same thing.

Because in the end, the one that gets hurt isnt you. Its me.


favorite words from my favorite local authors

"Kamu ngerasa gak sih, kalo kita tu kaya 2 orang yang udah tau gak cocok tapi tetep di cocok-cocokin karna takut sendiri lagi"
― Raditya Dika

"Apa yang harus kita lakukan pada kenangan yang memaksa kita untuk terus diingat?"
― Raditya Dika

“Banyak hal yang tak bisa dipaksakan, tapi layak diberi kesempatan.”
― Dewi Lestari


"Orang yang bilang, ‘kamu terlalu baik buat aku’, sesungguhnya berarti: ‘Gue males cari alasan lain agar lo gak sakit hati."
-Raditya Dika
