
mau lo pilih satu kek, dua kek, golput kek, selama lo ngrasa pilihan lo paling bener dan underestimate pilihan orang, sama aja lo semua noraknya.


"I’ve heard it said that prayer is the act of talking to God, while meditation is the act of listening."

"The Bhagavad Gita says, its better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection."

- Eat, Pray, Love. -


"You have more good luck than anyone i've ever met. You will live a long time, have many friends, many experiences. You will see the whole world. But you only have one problem in your life. You worry too much!

If i promise you that you will never have any reason in your life to ever worry about, will you believe me?"

- Ketut Liyer, Balinese palm reader.


Picnic kinda day!

He once asked me, what would i do for celebrating myself being accepted in University of Indonesia. He asked whether i want to go for a dinner in a restaurant or not, and i said no. Fine dining is quite pricey (and boring). And i wasnt in a formal mood that day.
So tadaa! We made a quick plan for picnic. Oh and my best best girl friend was invited too.
At first we had a bad time arguing about so many things, but thank God it wasnt last long, and we had a real good time there. Too bad at the end, we must leave really quick because it started to rain.
So here's some pics:


Thank God :')

thank you God for giving me much more than i deserve. te amo mucho mucho, God!


i feel so blessed in many ways, and i give God all the credit :') 

i am really sorry for giving too much information but im too exxxcited i have to share!!!!!



"Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping, work while others are loafing, prepare while others are playing, and dream while others are wishing.” ~William A. Ward




New Years Resolutions Completed!

Di postingan Januari lalu, gue nyebutin beberapa goal yang pengen gue capai di 2014. And tadaaa! I've conquered them all di bulan ke-4 2014! Yay!
Seru banget rasanya waktu satu persatu goal gue tercapai, terus di notebook gue ceklis tiap goal yang udah gue lakuin. :') Nggak nyangka belum sampai setengah tahun tapi semuanya udah bisa terlaksana!! Horee!

I have finished my study in Faculty of Law and will be graduated soon this month. Gue juga udah tau mau lanjut S2 dimana setelah wisuda nanti. Yay yay! Semoga semua lancar.

2. turning my cellphone off more often.
Tehee, gue udah mulai ngga kecanduan megang hp nih! Sekarang kalo sama temen, keluarga atau pacar, gue udah ngga autis looking down to my phone screen mulu. Kalo lagi ngumpul, justru gue dan temen-temen atau pacar suka playing game, ngumpulin hp di tengah meja, dan siapapun yang ngambil hp duluan harus bayar 50% dari bill ngumpul hari itu.
I interact more now, congratulate me please. *plokplokplok!*

3. exploring Eastern Indonesia
Akhirnya gue kesampean eksplor NTB - NTT! Ya, meskipun baru sempet eksplor sebagian kecil, tapi seneng banget tahun ini udah bisa nginjekin kaki disana. But soon i will be back to visit Kelimutu, Sumba, Kanawa Island, Rinjani, etc. My must visit place before i die.

4. no more OVERTHINKING!
Hmm, sebenernya masih suka overthinking sih, tapi better lah dibandingin sebelumnya. Sekarang gue cuma mikirin apa yang emang perlu dipikirin, yang emang ada benefitnya. And yes, everything feels easier, simpler and happier now!

5. Taking English Course
Gue mulai taking English course (again), but not at WallStreet anymore, i pick private class at KAPLAN Direct English. Alasannya? Karena lebih private dan lebih banyak conversation in English-nya dibanding WallStreet.

Stay awesome.

Questions & Answers about my latest trip!

Ini dia pertanyaan yang banyak ditanyain tentang trip ke Flores kemarin. Karena capek jawabin itu lagi itu lagi, gue ngerasa perlu nulisin detailnya disini biar nggak capek lagi jawabin satu-satu.
So here we go!

Apa rasanya tinggal 4 hari diatas kapal?
-- Well, rasanya menyenangkan sekaligus memilukan. Hari pertama yang paling berat. Rasanya pengen buru-buru nyari bandar udara terdekat terus pulang ke rumah hahaha.
Hari kedua mulai enjoy dan ngerasa seru di kapal, mulai kenal sama bule-bule, local tourist dan awak kapal.
Hari ketiga, mulai nggak mau pulang hahaha, ini emang yang paling seru, spot-spot yang didatengin di hari ketiga juga spot utama yang udah diincer banget! Terus malem ketiga udah mulai deket, suka ngumpul di deck kapal main kartu, ngobrol-ngobrol sama penghuni kapal lainnya. Kita bahkan joget rame-rame di depan kapal sampai subuh hehe.
Hari keempat, agak sedih harus pisah. Eh taunya ketemu lagi tapi di Paradise Cafe sama bule-bulenya, local tourist-nya, kapten kapal sampai awak-awak kapal ada semua disana. Seru deh!
Kayak gitulah kurang lebih penampakan kapalnya.
Tidurnya jadi satu di deck atas. Tenaang, satu orang dapet satu matras kok!

Ada kamar mandi dan air bersih gak di atas kapal?
-- Kamar mandi sebenernya ada dua di kapal, bersih banget juga, tapi air nya asin. Nggak enak banget buat mandi, malah makin lengket. Ada sih tiga gentong air bersih, cuma nggak enak sama yang lain kalo egois make itu buat mandi sendirian, apalagi segentong juga belom tentu cukup kalo buat gue. Huh. Jadilah air bersihnya cuma dipake cuci muka sama gosok gigi doang.
Gue sebenernya bukan tipikal orang yang ribet sama masalah hygiene. Gue jarang mandi juga kalo di rumah, tapi justru disana bawaannya pengen mandi mulu, mungkin karena lengket kali ya kena air laut hehe.
Oh iya, gue dengan begoknya sempet pup di kapal waktu yang lain snorkeling, sedangkan wc di kapal nggak ada septic-tanknya, jadi langsung los ke laut. Pas temen gue tau gue abis pup, langsung deh pada buru-buru naik ke kapal, pada takut ketemu "buangan" gue hahaha ;p
Tuh WC nya gue foto pas lagi pup. Bersih kan?

Jadi selama disana nggak mandi dong?
-- Pinter-pinter ngakalin dan nyari kesempatan aja, gue selama disana mandi tiap hari kok. Tiap ada air tawar, kayak air terjun Pulau Moyo, gue bawa sampo sama sabun buat nyempetin mandi, terus di Pulau Satonda kan ada kamar mandi, gue bela-belain mandi juga meskipun bayar wqwq.
Tapi momen-momen mesti tidur dengan badan lengket karena nyemplung laut tanpa mandi tetep ada.

Ada listrik nggak di kapal?
-- Ada, tapi ga dinyalain setiap waktu. Biasanya sore sama malem gitu dinyalain, tapi Kapten gue kemaren friendly banget, bisa request minta ngecharge kalo urgent hehe. Oiya, colokannya terbatas, jadi mesti ganti-gantian sama yang lain. 

Makanannya gimana?
-- Biaya sewa kapal yang udah dikeluarin itu udah termasuk makan dan minum selama 4 hari di kapal. Gue bukan tipe yang rewel soal makanan sih, asal jangan sayur aja hehe, jadi kalo makanan selama di kapal kayaknya ngga masalah di gue.

Kenapa nggak langsung direct flight aja ke Labuan Bajo?
-- Kalo langsung ke Labuan Bajo, it's too pricey, tiket penerbangan ke daerah Timur itu harganya lumayan banget. Waktu gue cek kemarin, tiket Lombok-Labuan Bajo termurah itu harganya 1.600.000 for a one way trip. Duh, mending kemana gitu ya kalo harganya segitu. Lagipula, planes to Eastern Indonesia are usually small and creepy.

Gue ngga tau ada direct flight Jakarta - Labuan Bajo atau enggak, tapi kayaknya mesti lewat Denpasar atau Lombok dulu. Perkiraan transport kalo direct flight mungkin gini kali ya:
PP Jkt-Bali/Lombok : 1.800.000
Bali/Lombok-Labuan Bajo : 1.600.000
Labuan Bajo-Bali/Lombok : 1.600.000
Lumayan mahal kan jadinya? Tapi suka ada promo tiket murah kok, pinter-pinter aja nyari tiketnya.

Total budget selama trip Flores + Gili Trawangan?
-- Sebenernya banyak pengeluaran tidak terduga sih, cuma kurang lebih begini:

Flight PP Jakarta - Lombok: 1.800.000
Sewa mobil Mataram - Bangsal : 350.000
Biaya kapal Lombok - Flores : 1.850.000
Mandi di Dompu : 10.000
Aqua buat cuci muka : 10.000
Hotel di Labuan Bajo : 500.000
Makan di Labuan Bajo : 200.000
Ojek selama di Labuan Bajo : 30.000
Kapal Ferry + Bus Labuan Bajo - Lombok : 350.000
Sewa mobil Pemenang - Bangsal : 350.000
Kapal Bangsal - Gili Trawangan : 10.000
Cidomo (Delman) : 50.000
Trio Homestay : 350.000
Rent Sepeda : 40.000
Beach Wind hotel : 400.000
Makan di Gili Trawangan : 350.000
Kapal Gili T - Bangsal : 10.000
Sewa mobil city tour + bandara : 350.000
Ayam Taliwang + Oleh-oleh : 300.000
Airport tax : 40.000 x 2 = 80.000
Total : +/- 7.040.000

Tapi hotel dan sewa mobil biasanya dibagi 5 patungan sama temen, jadi jauh lebih murah dari itu.
Tenang, tenang.. Gue yakin kalo lo nggak hedon, lo bisa jauh lebih murah dari itu hehee, kalo lo backpacker sejati budgetnya cuma dikisaran 3-4juta aja kok.
Tinggal pinter-pinter milih penginapan murah dan tempat makan murah. Apalagi kalo bisa dapet tiket promo pesawat, lumayan banget kan? Hehe.
Fyi, disana banyak kok hotel yang harganya 100ribuan per-kamar.

Yang mesti dibawa selama perjalanan?
-- Snack! Cemilan! Popmie!
Sunblock, swimwear, camera, underwater camera/case, celana dalem mending pakai yang kertas biar langsung buang, headset atau kalo perlu speaker, kartu remi atau uno, sendal jepit, powerbank, terus handphone... Umm, sama baju secukupnya. Itu aja kali ya.
Pokoknya yang paling penting itu cemilan sama hiburan buat ngabisin waktu selama di kapal. Kenapa? Soalnya satu jam di kapal itu rasanya kayak 3 jam di daratan hahaha.


3D2N Gili Trawangan, The Party Island.

28 April 2014.

As i stepped on Gili Trawangan's ground, rasanya kaya semua pegel-pegel dan keluh kesah finally disappear. Viva La Gili Trawangan!
Plan pertama, awalnya kita stay di Gili cuma semalem, tapi time flies so fast in that Party Island, and one night will never be enough. So we called Lion Air (we booked our tickets already, and changed the date to 30th April.)
We stayed at Trio Homestay, tempatnya bagus, bersih, we booked it online. Not too pricey and worth it. Tapi later we found out that, tempatnya jauh bok dari pusat Gili Trawangan. So we rent five bikes, for each person. It costs Rp. 40.000/bike for a day.

Oh iya, btw lo tau apa, gue baru sadar, i lost my phone. Small phone yang dikadoin pacar gue pas Valentine supaya gue ga susah dihubungin. I lost it. Shit.
Kena deh diceramahin dan di maki-maki sama pacar gue karena teledor.
My phone :-(

Awalnya kita sempet kepikiran buat ngambil trip Gili Air dan Gili Meno, tapi kayaknya we've had enough of snorkling, tehee. So all we had been doing was just Cafe Hopping from one cafe to another.

First cafe is ScallyWags. The food is good, not too pricey, and no tax or service payment. And what i love the most is the blue ocean view.

Gettin quite bored in Scallywags, we picked up our friend named Ezra to join us. I guess most of everybody in Gili knows him, because we got loads of discount or free food/drink wherever we go with Ezra. Lol.
We ran ran ran with our bike chasing the sunset. While watchin the sunset, we also saw a percussion live music near the Sunset Point.

We then went to Horizontal Beach Club or something, laughing so hard til our stomach hurt. 
After that we looked for something traditional to eat at the night market. A lot of traditional food and sea food satay in there. But i personally think its a bit pricey in there. One cup of juice for 23.000, and one squid satay for 20.000.

When the night came, we went to Blue Marlin Beach Club. In Gili, there is a schedule of party for a week. One party at one bar each day. Just like, Blue Marlin held a party every Monday, and Tir Na Nog every Wednesday, etc.
It was Monday when i was there, so i went to Blue Marlin. I wasnt really had a good time there, because its too crowded and i dont like the DJ's taste.

29 April 2014.
We moved to a bigger bungalow for me, Mei, Mutia, Oky, Dela and Ezra. We moved to Beach Wind Bungalow which is at the central of the island and pretty close to every hits places.

We woke up at 12 o'clock and we were wasting loads of minutes by just laying on the bed.
 We walked at 3 to Pearl Beach Lounge. Its pretty comfy. We stayed in there for a quite long time.

After that we found something to eat, something like nasi pedas or nasi bungkus at the Night Market. Nyum nyum!
After our tummies and energies were full, then we were heading to the hippest Irish Pub in Gili Trawangan, Tir Na Nog.
You know, in a sudden, the waiter came to me and said someone is sending me a flower. And its really a flower made from paper. LOL.
Ok forget it..
I love Tir Na Nog. Actually its not very comfortable, no bean bag, no sofa bed couch, nothing eye catching. Just a super simple wooden chair, but i love being in there i dont know why. We were dancing like crayzay as if we were drunk (but we were not.) and it was just the only 5 of us who were dancing on the dance floor since that it wasnt the Tir Na Nog's party day.

30 April 2014.
So its time to go home!
Me and my girls really have to say thanks a bunch to Ezra, for accompanying The Rempongs in this super awesome journey.
And thank you to The Rempongs for making a fabulous adventure. Im looking forward for another one!